Thursday, April 3, 2008

Shared Happiness

3 AM, dark still night, just lying on my swing with my fav music. The experience was ethereal. But I am no poet who can transport the happiness and peace I felt in words. And so began a train of thoughts which broke the calm and set in a melancholy.

Happiness is in a moment. It flies when you spread your hands to catch it. May be thats the reason that only the happiness shared with others has any memory. The rest are just fleeting moments which dont leave any mark or impression on your heart. You experience them to forget them. Someone has to share the same time and (almost the same)space with you for it to be immortal. And that's exactly the same reason we like to experience grief alone. We want to banish it forever from our memory.

Well, it may not be possible to share your moment with someone every time but the next time you feel it, just send a message to your beloved ones in an attempt to share the sublime happiness with them and to let them know that wherever they are, they are being missed :-)


Anonymous said...

Amazing post, perfectly universal feeling that of happiness, loved the "shared happiness memory" that passes us by fast enough to feel but not to linger inside, as McCandless found out: "Happiness only real when shared"

*Which is the song being played as background?thanks!

gilani said...

Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind...