Saturday, September 29, 2007

Why is grief more powerful than happiness?

Somehow today I kept thinking about grief and happiness.
The most striking and cruel part is the way happiness is in a moment. It's attached to a particular place and time. It can't be transported to another time and space. Though sometimes, you may be taken to past, thinking about the good times. But in the end, you are left wondering and longing-to live once more in that moment.
And grief! It travels with time. It can fill your space, time and life too. It is not transitory in the least. You fight it or accept it. In either case, it fills your life.

In happiness we resist change. Life is perfect at the moment. But grief has the power of shaping our destiny. Why are we the way we are? On reflection, the only answer that comes to my mind is that for good or for bad, my life and probably everyone else’s too is shaped by those moments when we were not feeling at the top of the world but when tears were rolling down our cheeks, when prayers were on our lips and when we were desperately searching our souls for some hope.

Even after so much said and preached, I know the next time I am surrounded by dark clouds, it would take me a long time to see the silver lining. But, I hope to have the strength to see it through everytime

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Life with no external disturbance

The first day in ages when for the whole day I switched off my cell phone, disconnecetd myself from the internet and put a DND sign on my door. Didn't attend any class too. In short, a peaceful existence for a day. So, did I enjoy? Its amazing but the answer is yes I did (a lot). There were no stupid calls asking me "what is in mess?" and "do u have this song?" and no equally insane "hey, how u doing?" pings. Moreover, it was a very fruitful day!
Lately, the temptation of just leaving everyone and everything and being absorbed in myself is growing. But then the fact that I am (just) 24 and have to be atleast independent financially before I can give in to such pursuits.
But, when I can, thats going to be the kind of existence for me. Amen!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Beautiful in retrospection

Why does everything you hate while experiencing, turn beautiful in retrospection later? I had hated my stay in Bangalore and Mumbai but now I count it as one of the very lively experiences? The only answer which makes some sense to me is that in present you are too busy trying to live, trying to take each step and be on your own. The brain and heart do not work in tandem to let you enjoy. But then when you later ruminate, you dont have to take any decision, everything has happened and now your heart is at an ease to actually live the experience while your brain is at rest :-)

Monday, September 3, 2007

I Vs. We

It as at times like these-nothing to do-that force me to think is being single the best way to waste your years! I mean when you have freakingly ablsolutely nothing to exert your energies on, would you rather like to waste not one but two souls' time.
Well may be yes. But eventually it ends up being 'WE' rather than me or you. Miraculously you start like doing the same things, the world stops existing for you and there's just one number on your speed dial! Then there are the hard core singles who like to hang out with as many people as they can manage and are always available for short keep their options open :)which if they could would never close.
Both lifestyles are tempting and wish you could have both depending on your whims..Nasty thought huh??