Monday, September 17, 2007

Beautiful in retrospection

Why does everything you hate while experiencing, turn beautiful in retrospection later? I had hated my stay in Bangalore and Mumbai but now I count it as one of the very lively experiences? The only answer which makes some sense to me is that in present you are too busy trying to live, trying to take each step and be on your own. The brain and heart do not work in tandem to let you enjoy. But then when you later ruminate, you dont have to take any decision, everything has happened and now your heart is at an ease to actually live the experience while your brain is at rest :-)

1 comment:

Nova said...

Very very good observation..

Mind thinks in a rather strange way at times... You will find that at any point of time in ur life, the present life is worse than the life in the immediate past.

when u were in college, school life seemed heaven. When u were started working, college seemed soo good... Rather strange! Aint it?